VDI News: High-quality surfaces in record time

September 22, 2023

As part of the successful EMO 2023 - the world's leading trade fair for production technologies - the VDI is highlighting the innovative surface technologies of plasmotion GmbH.

The plasmotion trade fair team would like to thank you for the interview. In addition to classic plasma polishing with a wide range of materials, visitors to stand E34 in hall 9 were particularly impressed by the local JETPEP finishing. "Such roughness results on my parts, and with surface precision in less than 30 seconds? That's a real game changer for the industry," explains the managing director of a medium-sized manufacturing company for sensitive stainless steel parts.

Link to article: https://www.vdi-nachrichten.com/technik/emo-hannover/frische-geschaeftsideen-serviert-auf-der-emo/
