JETPEP: Jet plasma polishing
The innovation: JETPEP
The quality and flexibility of manual finishing - for the first time in a fully automated process.
Today's industrial customers demand ever smoother surfaces and ever more flexible production processes. This is where plasmotion has succeeded in innovating: Our JETPEP technology bundles the power of plasma polishing from the electrolyte bath into an electrolyte jet and directs it precisely to the areas that matter to you. The distance-tolerant jet allows flexible automation - from the robot-guided single nozzle to the multi-jet cell. In this way, large, complex components can be polished and deburred in a targeted manner.
The strengths of the process are particularly evident in the case of precise surface requirements, complex flash patterns and additively manufactured components.

Your expert for questions
- Sven Friedemann
- Technical sales
- Phone +49 3731 37736 - 31
Fast and precise metal finishing exactly where it really counts.
The strengths of plasma polishing combined with the freedom of a jet-based process. JETPEP makes it possible to polish, clean and deburr individual contours in a targeted manner. We apply the unique, plasma-electrolytic metal removal locally exactly where the finishing is required. Both the processing of large, complex components and the precise adjustment of surface roughness are no longer reserved for manual polishing, but can now be fully automated.

Minimum roughness
JETPEP achieves your target roughness of up to Ra 0.02 µm and largely retains the initial geometry with minimal edge rounding. However, the desired edge radii can also be set through targeted process control.
Unrivaled brilliance
Our surfaces also impress where aesthetics are required. Plasma polishing offers a higher gloss than electropolishing and enables an even finish on a par with hand polishing.
Improved properties
Improve the feel, corrosion resistance and cleanability of your components with JETPEP. The plasmotion finish meets even the highest requirements, e.g. in the medical technology and pharmaceutical industries.
Environmentally friendly electrolytes instead of acids, dust and noise. The material-specific, proprietary electrolytes from plasmotion based on aqueous salt solutions are 100% harmless and recyclable in accordance with REACH.
Basic technology
JETPEP is the jet-based further development of plasma polishing.
Plasma polishing has proven itself particularly in medical technology thanks to its surface quality and efficiency. The overall processing of the component in the electrolyte bath enables uniformly high-gloss, smooth and sterile surfaces in approx. 20 to 200 seconds. Plasma polishing is therefore very well suited for the individual to series production of metal components where quality counts. However, the process flows required for this do not allow the component size to be scaled as required, meaning that large workpieces, internal contours and surface-precise requirements could not be processed until now.
JETPEP brings plasma polishing precisely to the surface.
JETPEP is versatile - from single processing to multi-jet.
The unique functional principle of JETPEP makes it possible to adapt it to a wide variety of applications - optimized for cycle time, flexibility or other core requirements. In our pilot plant at plasmotion, we rely on a robot-guided nozzle that enables the processing of components up to pallet size.
JETPEP is your highly efficient alternative
to manual finishing.
Today, the surface of large and complex workpieces often has to be finished manually. This process is expensive, error-prone and a burden on people and the environment. This is precisely where JETPEP often offers a fully automated alternative for the first time. It enables more efficient and sustainable finishing across all industries, from individual parts to large series.
See for yourself. Our experts will be happy to answer your questions.
Manual deburring after machining or laser cutting is nowadays a step without alternative, especially for large, complex metal components, before they can be used. The selective processing of edges by JETPEP ensures reliable burr-free edges or targeted rounding, e.g. for milled aluminum components or flat products. Cycle times for large-scale production can be achieved using multi-nozzle systems.
Feel free to contact our experts directly and clarify any questions you may have!
It is not only in mechanical and plant engineering that high surface requirements must be met for large workpieces. The processing of containers and large welded constructions, for example, is also often an expensive challenge.
JETPEP makes it possible to bring production steps that were previously outsourced as electropolishing back in-house if required. Especially when the focus is only on individual surfaces, selective processing with JETPEP saves time, energy and costs.
Up to 40 hours of manual work can go into manually polishing the contours in the final step of tool construction. With JETPEP, the power of plasma polishing can be applied to individual areas in a targeted and therefore time-saving manner, allowing the roughness to be adjusted to the specific surface. For stamping and forming technology in particular, the surface finish is crucial for the quality of the end product.
With JETPEP, work processes can be automated for consistent quality and processing steps can be reproduced, e.g. using robot-guided nozzles.
Suppliers in the life sciences sector in particular are regularly confronted with this problem: Important surfaces on internal contours, especially on medical technology parts and media guides, need to be finished. Within certain limits, JETPEP can be guided to hard-to-reach areas in order to efficiently apply the power of plasma polishing to the internal processing.
JETPEP can be seamlessly integrated into your existing production process
Replace inefficient and manual processes with JETPEP - whether in contract manufacturing at plasmotion or with individual systems at your premises. We would be happy to present the advantages of our technologies to you personally - from single part production to large-scale production. Or see for yourself with a sample of your components!
Our experts will be happy to advise you on +49 3731 37736 - 31
Key factors
We optimize JETPEP together for your individual application.
Our extensive portfolio of plasma polishing materials enables us to process almost all industrially relevant alloys. We currently prioritize stainless steel and aluminium.
The initial condition is decisive for the optimum surface. Like plasma polishing, JETPEP is not a shaping process, but refines the existing contours. Roughnesses of up to Ra 0.02 are possible.
We enable targeted metal finishing for components up to pallet size. Surfaces accessible from the outside can be polished, cleaned and deburred, as can certain internal contours.
Have we aroused your interest? We would be happy to convince you of the potential of JETPEP for your company.