Handelsblatt: plasmotion is in the top 10 most innovative tech start-ups in Germany

October 5, 2023

Weconomy has been selecting the 10 most innovative young companies in Germany since 2007. Now the winners have been chosen, and plasmotion is part of this exclusive circle.

Initiated by the Wissensfabrik - Untenehmen für Deutschland e.V. in cooperation with UnternehmerTUM and Handelsblatt, Weconomy has already supported numerous teams on their way. Prominent examples are certainly CureVac, FOND of, komoot, Kinexon and inveox. Weconomy enables founders to hold mentoring discussions with top managers from established companies such as Bosch, KPMG or EnBW, to expand their own network and to take part in further training seminars on the subject of sales and growth.

The plasmotion team would like to thank the jury for their trust and looks forward to working intensively with specialists and managers right up to the management boards of the German economy.

Link to article: https://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/mittelstand/start-up-wettbewerb-weconomy-innovative-ideen-rund-um-technologie-und-nachhaltigkeit/29421034.html